It is always better to have the retaining walls built before the construction of a house takes place. It gives us more options and is quicker and cheaper to complete our concrete sleeper retaining walls.
Houses are generally taking up a lot more room on the block which reduces access, limiting the size of machinery we can use to carry out the works. Small machines are slower, not as powerful for drilling holes and, if rock is encountered, can be even slower or not able to drill the holes at all. This leaves no alternative but to change to a different retaining wall design.
We are just completing a beautiful new home project in Camp Hill. Camp Hill is renowned for rock and we weren’t disappointed. Our 3 ton machine with rock auger wasn’t able to drill the holes to depth, so we removed the gas bottles and were able to sneak a 5 ton machine in with a rock auger and successfully drilled our holes to depth. Unfortunately it does add to the timeframe, however it is important to drill to depth so that the Durawall concrete sleeper retaining wall is built to design and will last for its intended design life.